
Archive for September, 2008

What’s in a name…

September 19, 2008 Leave a comment

Yeah, we all get tons of SPAM in our Inbox folders. I, for one, and definitely numb to the constant offers for medical assistance with my naughty tingly parts, offers to refinance my mortgage, and work from home and make millions in my spare time. I definitely am convinced that apricots and magic herbs from the Brazilian rain forests hold the keys to stopping aging, fixing my sore and aching joints, and removing those laugh lines and wrinkles that are appearing as I age. Numerous bankers in foreign lands would love to have my help in extricating some funds orphaned in their troubled country by a western national’s untimely demise with no apparent heirs. I am flypaper for all of this helpful information.

This one, however, made me laugh, and coffee squirted out of my nose. Someone should tell “scruffy”, oops, Mr. William Gill that using a gmail account for the “Reply-to”, and having a sender address of “” makes me doubt the value to me, as a consumer, of this offer from “Barclays Wealth Home”. Perhaps someone should also suggest a spell checker and/or grammar checker. I think that “United Kingdom” is spelled with a capital “K”.

I needed a good laugh today. Thanks Scruffy.


Categories: General